Selexi - Credits



Integrated Management System and Permits

In order to implement particular tools that enable the company to keep its processes and activities under control, Selexi has implemented a system aimed at improving its internal management. The Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Policies has authorized the company to carry out personnel search and selection activities. It has been awarded by UnionCamere Lombardia for the decision to communicate its social responsibility behaviors in a transparent manner, becoming part of the "Good Practices in Lombardy" online directory launched by the Chambers of Commerce as part of its activity promoting Social Responsibility in Lombardy, as a communication and sharing tool for the dissemination of good practices in the Lombardy region. The company is a partner of the Agreement for the establishment of the Local Conciliation Alliance "Conciliazione in Pratica (C.I.P.) - La piccola impresa si rinnova" by ASL Milan.

Legality Rating

The Competition and Market Authority has awarded Selexi the highest possible score on the Legality Rating scale in the private sector: ★★+++

Organizational model according to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and Code of Ethics

Selexi has implemented an organizational model aimed at countering the types of criminal activity referred to in Legislative Decree 231/2001: its Supervisory Board oversees the application of the Code of Ethics, which sets forth both the principles and values informing the company's conduct and the initiatives aimed at avoiding and/or sanctioning non-compliant activity by all parties interacting with the company.

Sustainability and Safety

Selexi respects Sustainability in its activities, reducing its climate impact through projects aimed at lowering and offsetting CO2 emissions. The Risk Assessment Document sets out the most important data pertaining to the Company and shows its position with regard to the requirements of Legislative Decree 81/2008 and related legislation (Ministerial Decree 10/03/98, Legislative Decree 388/03, etc.).

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